Monday, November 16, 2009

Give away!

There's an awesome give away over at Design Dazzle. Cute clothes! I know a Hopey who might need them! :) anyway go check it out. It's awesome.

And I haven't been updating. I'm failing. sad.

Monday, November 9, 2009


I can never figure out how to spell that. Yesterday, I was going to post but then I ended up so crabby that I didn't. The other day my cousin and I did something that we thought would be funny and it was apparently offensive. Who knew that a picture could be so awful? Crabby crabby crabby.

Anyway, I'm better now. Mostly. I'm at work with one very sick little boy. Ben's been trying to give up his morning nap (not very well) but fell asleep at 8:30 today while running a 101.9 fever. He's been a cuddly grump puss. Since all Ben has been wanting to do is cuddle I don't know what to do with Sam. Today might end up being more of a movie day than I would like. We'll see.
In other news, I'm going to learn to pack like Merlin. Sam and I are watching The Sword and the Stone while Ben's asleep. It's just quieter that way. I love The Sword and the Stone. Basically, it's one of my top high number favorites. Getting me and all my stuff up to Rexburg in 7 weeks would be so much easier. I'm going to try. I'll start practicing right away. While I'm working on packing I think I'll also work on my Mary Poppins cleaning. I've tried that before though and it has never worked. I'm hoping that Merlin's packing is more productive for me.
Next week is going to be crazy for me. Carin, Mom and I doing a wedding on Saturday. New Moon is early Friday and I'm working Thursday and Friday! Mom needs me to help her bake on Friday because I'm actually the one getting paid for catering this reception. I'm going to be chugging Mt. Dew and sleeping at weird hours. I was thinking about going to Ronelle's party before New Moon but I might be asleep then. If I come home from work around 5, get to sleep around 6, wake up at 11 get over to the theater, watch the movie, perhaps go out for snacks with friends after, then back to bed- 3 or 4? Then up at 6 so I can get to work. I'm going to ask if the boys can come over to my house for the day (then I can sleep until 6:30! haha) so I can actually help Mom. Then wedding set up and everything is Saturday. Yikes! Hopefully, everything goes well.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Go me!

Except for the whole starting on the wrong day and the skipping one day I think I've done pretty good on this. 5/7 is pretty good! 

um... What to say, what to say... Tomorrow is the primary program. And after church I'm going to take pictures of Emery in all the thrifted things Rachael and I have boughten him. I was going to think about watching a movie but I think I'll go to bed instead. I want to do my hair and look cute tomorrow just because I haven't in a while. I try to sleep to long to get anything done Sunday morning. If I go to sleep now I can get my 9 hours in and still wake up at 6ish. ew. too early. Maybe I'll shoot for later. We will see. 

Until tomorrow!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Stuff that I think I will die without

No, that is not an exaggeration. All I speak is truth. Especially all of them. 

*Most of these were found through blogs that I read. 
For the kid/public bathroom in my future home
For one of my Young Woman Value Projects I started this cross stitch.  Started because I never did finish it. I underestimated how long it takes to cross stitch. I was supposed to be making something for my future home so I decided to have a beach themed bathroom. Now I can complete the dream in the most amazing way I ever thought was possible with...

an Aquarium sink...

...and an aquarium toilet!

Yes they exist. The toilet if from a company called fish and flush and the sink... I haven't quite figured it out. Google them. They amuse me.
Next up on the list of things I need:
A rockin' muppet dress!


Oh Dress! How have I spent my life without you!

I'm now on a quest to figure out how to add sleeves to this beauty. I'm thinking they should be made out of the same stuff (yarn?) as the skirt. Thanks to one of my favorite blogs A Dress a Day

for introducing us.

My Wedding dress (No, I'm not engaged nor do I have a BF.)


I only need to loose about 10 inches off my waist. And get bone reducing surgery so I don't look anorexic being that skinny and so I am short enough to fit. With modern science they should be able to do that right? 

I love those sleeves! For more views of this beauty go here



No one can have enough shoes and these ones are special. I'm liking the face that the heel looks broken. Sadly these Irregular Choice shoes are £ 69.50. I don't even have that many USD to buy new shoes. 

Um... That's it for now. I have to go make dinner.

* I know the muppet dress didn't show up and I'm not clever enough to make it. I  

tried. You'll just have to go to Dress a Day

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I failed! I even remembered I needed to post last night but then promptly forgot. Not surprising. I'm going to try for the rest of the month though.

Yesterday Rachael and I went to the thrift store (we do often) and it was $5 a bag day. Stuff all the clothes you can into a grocery sack and pay 5 bucks for it. My brother Emery also conveniently lets us pick out his clothes. If we buy it he will wear it. And since it was $5 a bag day Rachael was looking for some stuff for her brother. So we're hanging out in the men's section looking at pants when Rachael spy's a tux. We look at it. 34 x 36. Emery's waist! The length might be a little long but hemming! We poke around it more. hmmm needs a cleaning and we see no badness. It's basically perfect! We stuff it in a bag along with a dress for me and 3 other button down shirts for Emery. We took the tux come and waited impatiently for him to arrive. After making him try on the shirts we hand him the tux. He puts it on and it fits! Almost perfectly. The pants are a little short and so are the sleeves. After some inspecting we find that it has been hemmed like no other. 3 or 4 inches in the legs! It can be fixed! So for $1, Emery, who is turning 17 next Wednesday, owns his own tux. Thrift stores have the potential to be rockin'! My dress and his shirts are pretty to. I think I'll take pics of him in all the shirts we have picked up at the thrift store. We have skillz. It also helps that Ridgecrest has no other clothes shopping places and we're dirt poor so we're always at the thrift store but... :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Here, have a post

It sure won't say much though. I'm tired. I'm on my grandparent's computer but I've commited to this thing and now I have to do it. sigh. Rachael came over today and we made hair things. We're having a sleep over so I'm not tempted to strangle my grandmother S. who's been staying with us for a week or two or however long it's been. i've been busy and always rushing off to things it seems that I havn't been home to see what it's like. I did today. i couldn't handle it. I was supposed to go babysitting but another boy had to stay home because he had a 103 fever. I don't want that. So... The End.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I decided to do NaBloPoMo and was totally confused why people were posting that this was the second day. I mean it's the first day I've heard about it and it's the beginning of November so what are those people talking about? Then I realized it's Nov 2 today. Doh! I'm doing it anyway. 

I had a very witty and thoughtful post planned in my head about my dependence on Mt. Dew that I was going to write up tonight. Then Family Home Evening happened. FHE at the Clayson household is always a special affair. When I was younger I don't remember us having FHE at all (having a faulty memory does help this). Since Dad's a nurse he schedule was always weird so he would often work Mondays. Shifts were from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm plus time added before and after for reporting and then if needed time to chart after. The earliest Dad ever got home was 8 and he was normally home closer to 8:30. 8 is bed time. It's weird how different things are with Dad working on the base. We have dinner much earlier for one. Back to topic. We're having FHE and we've gotten to the game. Callie made up the game and since she's 8 it was very... fun. She drew pictures of ghosts (that looked mostly like globby people) and we had to guess who they were. When it was the Emery ghost up Dad decided we needed to dog pile on who ever the picture was. Dad is a fan of dog piling. Normally I am. It's fun. Keeps life interesting. I, however, did not have a great day (the need for Mt Dew by 9 in the morning normally means that) so I did not participate. Family is also a big fan of giving hugs when I don't want to be touched. Apparently, I don't like any of them or something. I was not participating and kind of dreading when it was going to be my turn. Will had already made comments to the effect of "just wait until I jump upon you" and I informed him if he did I was going to lengthen piano lessons, which are torture in and of itself for him. The ghost picture was me. Emery tried to pull me off the couch and on to the floor so they could dog pile me. I tried my hardest to threaten him and sit down. Dad was conveniently behind the couch and decided to give me a wedgie. First off, it was the most painful wedgie I have ever experienced. It hurt. When I started whining about how it hurt they all stopped harassing me. A couple minutes later I learned that Dad ripped my underwear in the process of giving me this wedgie. Now I have a huge hole in my underwear (about the size of the waistband). I'm crabby. 
Where's my Mountain Dew? 

Monday, September 21, 2009

A dream

Last night I had a really strange dream. It was actually mostly terrifying. So I'm typing it up and then turning it onto a website to analyze it. Not it specifically, but parts of it. This will be fun! You all can laugh at my craziness too.

a guy friend who will be referred to by a nickname- "db"
the slug - a radioactive green thing that oozes and has a freaky sideways mouth and kinda looks like a pug when you are running away from it.
a store attendant.

I'm looking through Joann's when I come across the section with tons of old clothes. It's a thrift store part and I figure it's for people who want to make clothes pretty. The entire store is a grey color and much darker than normal stores. All the clothes are browns or greys or blacks. Not the happiest of stores. That's when I come across Db. He is looking at the ground. I walk up to him to talk to him and see what he is looking at. I look down and see the slug. It looks relatively harmless (there's a lack of mouth showing at this point) it's just a funny green color. It's the sort of thing you torture for fun. I mean, it's neon green! It's like Alba the bunny only in nasty slug form. Anyway, so I begin making fun of it and kinda kicking it when the slug reacts and does this growly thing at me opening it's sideways mouth with sharp pointy teeth inside. I am definitely taken aback. Then the slug begins to ooze toward me. I start backing up and it gets faster. I turn around a sprint off. Db yells that it must have caught my scent. Looking back I see the slug galloping toward me. I scream and run faster. Finally, I lose the stupid creature and take a breather. Not a very long breather because soon it's catching up and looking as terrible and pug like as ever. I'm in a maze of clothing racks when I see one of those benches for sitting on to try on shoes. Thinking I could fool it by jumping on top of there I hop on up. Soon the slug is right below me. It stops and looks around even though it has no eyes. I guess It's sniffing around. I begin to think that I've beaten it when it catches my scent and starts to reach it's body towards me. I yelp and take off running through the maze again. Finally I reach a door that looks like it will provide safety for me. I'm standing about 3 feet in front of it when the slug is suddenly between me and the door. It pops and crackles a little and begins to grow until it's about 3 feet high and blocking the door. I scream and jump magically ending up in Db's arms. He just magically showed up. It was kinda a Scooby Doo and Shaggy sort of moment. Like so...

I stay in his arms because I'm hoping to get the slug to lose my scent. Db takes off running. As we turn the corner a store attendant opens the door behind the slug a little and tells us "If you can get it to shrink down we can capture it." There is no way I am letting Db turn back so he keeps running. Until he decides to get lost or go back or whatever and then we end up in front of the slug again. It was still there and still 3 feet tall and only looking slightly ferocious but Db still took off running to and we got straight out of the maze and I finally got to get down. We then looked around the store a little, me finding some truly embarrassing items and then we decided to leave.
The End.

Analysis from the website

A slug, similar to a snail without a shell, can represent:

  • Slowness, or slow to change
  • Steadiness, patience, perseverance
  • Changeable or malleable in form, thought, feeling, or otherwise
  • Leaving a residue, trail, evidence, or other aftermath
  • Sluggishness or perceived laziness
Dreaming of this creature can represent:
  • Having too much of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being less this way
  • Not having enough of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being more like this
  • Someone or something in your real life with whom you associate one of these qualities (an event, situation, threat, etc.)

For more clues, pay attention to what the animal was doing or any particular characteristic that stood out.

Something glowing eerily can represent a person or force with unknown intent.
Green- The color green can represent life or new life, nature, freshness, vigor, coolness, or a relaxing environment.
Being Chased- If the chaser wants to harm you, this can represent a feeling or fear of: persecution, hostility, aggression, criticism, etc. by another person or by "people in general." It can also represent real-life situation where you feel your boundaries have been crossed or your integrity has been compromised.A maze- A complex or challenging path or process, confusion, challenge, puzzle, or problem confronting you in your real life
Feeling unsure how to achieve a certain goal or create a certain situation in your life.
Gray- The color gray can represent neutrality, gloominess, drabness, dullness, or lifelessness
Being Rescued- Feeling that you need help or need to be rescued—physically, mentally or emotionally
The idea of letting others rescue you or clean up your messes too often
Consider who is rescuing whom, and the possible parallels with your feelings about your real life right now. ( I was rescued by a guy I like and have liked for a long time and it's all a hopeless mess. I'm sure that has something to do with something)

So... vigorous laziness with unknown intent wants to harm me in a complex challenge of neutrality? I like it. Laugh.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Today Ela had an assembly for getting student of the month at Richmond. Since Mom and Dad gave been gone since Sunday Rachael and I went. Neither of us have base passes yet and Rachael doesn't take her car on base so us getting on is a bit of a hassle. Because it is we went to the base thrift store. It rocks! All the patterns were 10¢ and I found some great ones. I took pictures of all my patterns for you all to see!

This is the pattern for the skirt that I wore for my birthday. It's a reprint of a 1940's one.

This is a reprint of a 1950's pattern. Mom made the middle one for me last year.

1950's pajama pattern
A gift pattern from my Grandma Clayson last year. 1955

1950 shirt dress

1951 house robe and swimsuit coverup. 


1950's Don't you think it would be funny to see Emery in those short shorts? Base thrift store. 

1949 Blouse. This was from the base thrift store. 10¢! Amazing. 

1941 Base thrift store. 


1960's girls dress Base thrift store
1964 little girl dress- Base Thrift store.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Case of the Disappearing Calories

A couple of days ago, I was looking in my job's cupboard for snacks or lunch or something like that when I saw popcorn. Popcorn with 93% less fat. Score! That makes me feel skinny. Out of curiosity I looked at the nutrient information. There I found this:
3 Tbsp unpopped
Calories 130
Calories from fat 20
1 Cup popped
Calories 15
Calories from fat 0

The Calories! They disappeared! Where did they go? Does popping make all the calories fall out? I texted Rachael. She said, "What? Really?" because what else are you going to say to that?
"Apparently." I said. cool. We made plans to check out other popcorn boxes for the magic. I also made sure to check how many servings there on in a bag. About 2! yes! that means once I pop it I only have 30 calories. That's the best news I've ever seen.

Then I started writing this post. I took a picture on my phone as evidence of the disappearing calories on my phone at the time and I was looking at it to transfer the info over. I glanced up at the serving size information to make sure they matched up. (now the point of view is my head) 3 Tbsp unpopped excellent. Hmmm wait. That 1 cup popped looks suspiciously like a 7. hmmm. Look, madly calculate (well not really), that would be about right. Well the bag did seem like more than 2 cups. Shoot! This  is going to ruin my post. It was going to be so cool! I had plans. My dinosaur chicken nugget post will make it up. I should check it for sure because it's blurry. ZOOOOOOOM. Blast. It is a 7. 

My life can be so disappointing. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Books! and some other stuff

This is me blowing out my candles for my birthday. It was really good. The only slightly negative thing was the frosting mom used. It had so much sugar that I thought I was going to go into a sugar coma. 
This is Emery, my brother, preparing to go to his board of review. This is after I fixed his hair.
He tried to trim up his hair around his ears and failed. I couldn't stop laughing which he didn't appreciate. We fixed it by shaving off the rest of his hair.

The review went great and Emery is an Eagle Scout! 

My Grandma bought me this (1940's), a reproduction of an apron pattern (1940's) and a cookbook which is later. 
On my birthday there was a yard sale at the Historic USO building that Rachael and I went to. I think it's hilarious that it's now called the Historic USO building and not just the USO building. It was basically a dud until we went inside and found books. 
Roget's International Thesaurus (1947)
Viavi Hygiene (1911)
One of the places this book automatically opens up to is a chapter on the non-development of girls. Here's an excerpt:
"The immensity of the evils generally wrought upon girls by the schoolroom can hardly be exaggerated. At the time when Nature is placing the heaviest strain upon them, they are called upon to work to the full limit of their strength. Any excessive burden placed upon a girl's mind at the age of of puberty consumes forces that Nature demands for her physical development. Indeed, at this time there should be no more mental work than is needful to keep the mind in healthy working order. The sexes should never be permitted to work in the same classes at this time. It places girls at an unnatural disadvantage, and by introducing competition, spurs them on to exertion that they  cannot afford to make. Nothing will be lost by proceeding slowly until the girl's menstruation has been firmly established, for when that occurs naturally, there ensues a remarkable mental activity that makes strides with a rapidity impossible to boys. "
I laugh every time I read it. Though the idea of taking it easy for a while does appeal to me.

Webster's Shorter School Dictionary (1925)

Harbrace College Handbook (1956)

English Literature by John Calvin Metcalf (1918)

Pocket Bible Hand Book by Henry Hampton Halley (1936)
If anything can help me understand the OT I'm probably going to buy it especially if it's cheep and old. 

The Fanny Farmer Cookbook (1965)
That ends my yard sale finds. I got all of those for 6 bucks. Score! 

Emily Post's Etiquette The Blue Book of Social Usage. (1965)
I got this one at the library for a quarter. There is some good stuff in the Friends of the Library section right as you walk in. 

Here's the cookbook I mentioned earlier. The one my grandma bought me. 
The Good Housekeeping Cook Book (1944)

I'm loving my finds!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

yeah, yeah

I'm working on a post I promise. It's actually kinda long and maybe worth reading. 

I have discovered a hobby of mine. I've started collecting vintage sewing patterns. It's been so fun so far! I don't have to many and the ones are do have are all from the 50's but I'm enjoying it anyhow. Since vintage is my new thing I've been reading a lot of blogs. Apparently, it's popular to do giveaways with blogs. You leave a comment and then if you want to be entered again post about it in your own blog. Since this is an opportunity to increase my collection for FREE! (That was said like free in Bedtime Stories) I'm definitely blogging about it now. And since I want it none of you should go enter unless you intend on giving it to me for my birthday. I'm shellfish and I mean it! jk :)

Anyway, here is the link. It's seriously cute don't you think? :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm BACK!!!

It's amazing how I don't seem to be able to motivate myself to write on my blog when I don't have school work to procrastinate with.
A brief and entirely interesting review of my life. I got done with school and managed to pass everything, even the class that I missed the midterm in. That was a relief. And then I went home. I babysit twice a week for a total of about 20 hours for a couple in first ward so she can go to work. Those two are crazy! Two boys ages 3 and 1. They have been keeping me busy for those days. Other than that I've been hanging out. Rach and I will get together and do something most days. The other day we went to the thrift store and got a sweet suit for our cousin Emma to wear to my birthday party. It's actually a 70's suit but looks 40 enough and it fits her really well. During the past month I've been laying around, I've also watched 6 of the 7 Gilmore Girl's seasons. I've decided to get creative.
My grandpa bought be some quilt square from 1940 online because I told Rachael I liked them. Now my job is to sew it together. I've got the sashing; I've just got to do it.

It's me cooking! That recipe came out of my mom's 1947 cookbook and it's called Welsh rarebit. I was too chicken to try it but Dad said it was pretty good

This is the pattern that just arrived for me. I'm making Callie a dress for her birthday. It's part of the collection I mentioned. I actually bought this one. All the others have come from my grandmas. :) I'm a little nervous about making it because I've never sewed anything before. I figure it's for Callie and she'll think it's awesome and wear it no matter how bad I make it look.

Tomorrow's my 19th birthday and my party. It's 40's themed. Mom made me a skirt and was supposed to make a shirt too but I don't know if that's going to happen by tomorrow afternoon. We'll see. I'll post some pics and descriptions later. Like after it happens.

Friday, July 31, 2009

So glad!

For one I'm so grateful for all my babysitting jobs this week. It's been great! I've had so much fun.
For second I'm glad that little kids are here to keep me in line and whatnot. Tonight I went babysitting for the Saunders. Grace asked me, "Why are you living with your parents if you're big?" and right after, "Why aren't you married?" Later James asked where my kids where. I laughed. It was awesome! 

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pink eye

I woke up yesterday with some serious allergies yesterday. My eye was wigging out. I took an allergy pill and then set out to Hillhollow for yummy frozen yogurt.  I took my sunglasses because my eye was really sensitive to the light even though it was a really cloudy day. I walked into Broliums with one eye very shut. Anne kept laughing at me because I looked like I partied hard with some drugs. Later that day someone mentioned something about maybe it being pink eye. I looked up the symptoms and that's what it looks like I've got. I'm going to the student health center tomorrow to check it. It's some really bad timing. 
Lovely eye of mine. 

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pet Peeves

  • People who type their smiley faces the wrong way. They are supposed to look like this :) not (: . 
  • People who write comments on facebook that have nothing to do with the original post. For example: status-  "[person] is taking a nap." comment under status- "How are you? It's been a long time. I hope you are good." That is what the wall is for.
  • People who can't seem to type full words online. u r stupid! It takes 5 extra seconds to type you are stupid. You are not texting. Use real English. 
  • My computer thinking it's an  airplane. That's annoying
  • People breathing on me.
  • People who smell bad. Use deodorant. It's fabulous
  • People who always wear ugly ill-fitting clothes.
  • People who think that nudity in art is automatically pornography and then try to talk me into believing the same thing.
  • People who act like they know everything. 
  • People telling me that my shorts are too short, my undershirt is too see thru, etc when they are in no leadership position over me. 
  • People poking my back when my shirt rides up. Leave my exposed flesh alone! I'll take care of it in a minute. 
  • Censorship of things that do not need to be censored. Teenagers should not be forbidden to see movies or read books because they are sad.
  • Teachers assigning me homework. They should stop. I would like that
  • The freaking out about Cancer. Breathing can cause cancer so stop freaking out. 
  • People who think that anything but religious and classical music is evil. Especially hip-hop. Leave the genre alone.
  • People who say "ta" instead of "to" 
  • Mothers who call me at 9 on a Saturday morning to say Happy 4th of July who then call back half an hour after I've hung up so my little sister can blabble at me. Just kidding. I love that blabbling little sister of mine even though she is like my shadow when I'm with her.
  • People who spend all day whining about their problems.  
Ok. That's the end for now. I think I'm going to go find myself some lunch or Linner.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

oh sigh

I have a sad story for all those who have not already heard. I have developed a crush on one of my teachers. It all started with this dream I had last week. It involved hand holding and flirting only for me to realize that he was married. I have strandge dreams. So now I go to class and feel all awkward the entire time. ug. It's not all that suprising, really. I tend to like guys who are older than me and married with kids.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A roller coaster week

So that report I was writing... yeah it didn't get turned in. I missed the online deadline by like a minute bacause I got the times mixed up. I sent it to my teacher but I don't know if he accepted it and put it up online or didn't. oh, the sadness that lives in my life right now. I really would like something that resembled a passing grade in that class but I don't know if it is possible. I missed the first test because I forgot. sigh. It angers me.

Looking at blogs I like them so much more when there are many pictures to distract me from the actual words, so expect pics! haha

The Computer Cord of Death. also known as The Computer Cord that died and therefore caused my death but that's a little long. I will call it the CCoD for short.

It died. It was a sad day in my life because I am unable to use my computer at all since the battery is shot and it needs to be plugged it. I am currently using Anne's which is very nice of her but I miss my computer. Even though it is a grumpy thing that only does what it wants to when it wants, it wants to do stuff much more than Anne's. It's a little frustrating for me.

Up there on the top is my CCoD at least what it looked like before death. The right is after death. Something tells me that is bad. Very bad. Very broked. I just spent $47.75 dollars of my parents money on a new charger. It's not from the Apple store because they wanted 80! not including shipping which the top one does. GAG! I dont' have that much money.

I have most excellent news. I have gotten a babysitting job offer. This is way cool for me because I love babysitting! Few things bring me more joy. I'll be working 2-3 days a week and getting $60 dollars per day. I've been worried about money especially if I lose my scholarship this semester. This is exactly what I needed- a job I will enjoy. The mom who is offering was saying the days would be set every week, most likely. She mentioned Mon, Tue, and Wed. I hope those are able to be the days that would be too perfect. It would leave the weekend to babysit for other people's date nights. I'm so happy about it.

I've got my entire semester off planned. I'm going to finish organizing my grandparents' movie room, babysit, learn to sew, try to keep my house at a somewhat clean level (I cleaned my room yesterday and am trying to keep my side in a clean and organized manner. I love it. It's so great to be able to comfortable lay on my bed and walk around my room and have a much better idea where everything is!), go through g&g's stuff with Rachael to help them organize all their stuff so we can walk through the train room and Peter's room, etc., and take walks through various deserts and pick up recycling. Let's include play with Ela and Rachael on that list. It will be much fun.

I have begun the plans for the birthday party of a century. It will probably only be me and some relations because I have a problem with people forgetting my birthday. I have invited a bunch a people to a party where few people showed up (maybe 5?). One person gave me a card. The annoying thing is it was a joint party with Melissa Wonnacott and people gave her presents! What the heck! Anyway, I mentioned in an earlier post about WW2 themed parties. Guess what this is! oh yeah! Everyone will be all dressed up, Emery's growing his hair out (or he's supposed to be), I'm so excited. I get to rock a head scarf much like these ladies except I'm doing it because I don't have much hair. Fabulous clothes will be worn along with fabulous make up.
It will be so much fun.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Repost of Foyle's War pics

Rachael, my lovely cousin not the 50 thousand other Rachaels or Rachels I know, informed me the pics didn't work on the post a little while ago. My computer liked it just fine but every other computer doesn't. Here they are!

Sam and DCS Foyle on VE day

Sam with her hat on.
The main 3 characters on VE day. From left to right Sam Steward, Christopher Foyle and Paul Milner

Andrew with his dad.

I love the pics on this page. Especially that last one. It give a full look of Sam's uniform which I like.
And here's the video clip.
Only the first 30 seconds is really all you need to watch and not even that. Rachael better not watch the entire episode so we can watch it together if anything. Isn't Sam's hair wonderful. I despretly wish I was that talented.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Do not procrastinate the day of your...

homework doing. Then you get stuck when you realize you have two entire books to read over the weekend. One with a review due on Monday and another with a quiz on Tuesday. It stinks. You'd think I would have learned by now. I had to read the Gilgamesh and Oedipus the King in one night. Ok to be honest I read a couple of lines of Oedipus since I knew the story from reading Antigone in AP Lit and I skimmed the last half of Gilgamesh. Unfortunatly the Aeneid is rather long. My other book titled The World of Deaf Infants is on the longer side but mostly because it's not an exciting novel. If it was a novel I could have it read in less than a day. Why don't my classes have me read something interesting? huh? I should also look to see how much of the Book of Mormon I need to read. When I grow up I'm going to stop being a procrastinator. I've been busy thinking about hair and make-up and cakes (in the shape of WWII airplanes or Hitler) and WWII themed parties in Ridgecrest so I can dress up etc. Something tells me I should be reading so off I go. I will post probably Tuesday after classes when I no longer have massive assignments to read and tell the exciting tale about my broken computer.

Friday, June 12, 2009

New obsession

I've always had an obsession problem. I'll like something and be completely obsessed with it for a month or two maybe more and then be totally done with it. I'll do it with hott actors, movies, books, tv show, eras, etc. I have the ability to be amazing about it. I'll love it so much and convince myself I need all the merchandise, I change my computer screen, it's really bad. I did it last semester when I started learning a little Chinese.   Now I'm trying to figure out if my new love is just one of these passing things or if it will stay.

Anyway, back to my topic. I've always been attracted to stuff from the 50's. The big, poofy skirts that go "wee!" when you spin, the hair, it's all so cool. So, I started watching Foyle's War, now I'm developed a fascination with Sam, the main female character. I love her hair. I wish I could do it to mine. It's short now, but it was long once. We had borrowed the series from Aunt Jane or Grandma or someone and I wished my hair could do her curly thing. Now, I've developed taste for not only that but all the clothes too. Oh, and most importantly red lipstick. They era manages to make everything so glamourous! Even rationing and smoking (no I am not going to take up smoking in case anyone was worried). I'm now on the lookout for patterns of 30-40's dresses. If anyone is sitting around saying to themselves, "My life is so unfulfilled. How can I changed that?" Break for thought. "I know! I'll buy Christy a present!" You now know what I want. I also want all the seasons of Foyle's war but, sadly, I am too poor and most people don't love me enough to spend $40 and up for me. Now for pics! 
This is the last episode I think. I've heard that they are doing one more from some sources and that they aren't from others. I'm a little confused. Or maybe I can't count. Anyway this is from VE day. Isn't her hair great! and even her uniform. I'd love one of those. Emery has a German uniform hanging around that he borrowed from Uncle Peter. We'd be so cool together, right?


She spends most of the time in her hat and looks like this


These are the main characters on VE day. From left to right: Samantha Stewart, Christopher Foyle, and Paul Milner 


And then because I love him so much

This is Sam's love interest for a large portion- Andrew Foyle, her boss's son. oh, and he's with his dad. The dad is the old guy.



I think this is from the episode they first meet. I wish more guys had cool hair like Andrew. Hair today is way too lame. And if you are somewhere other than BYU-Idaho it's way too long. And guys don't wear suits enough. I would do fairly well living in a time period where you had to dress up all the time like in Hairspray. They guys are so snazzy.

I couldn't find the back of Sam's head in picture form so here's a youtube video link. She has her hat off a few seconds in, about 4-6 is all you need. It does change she adds more curl to it later but still. Why can't my hair do that? I need to develop skills.

That's probably enough of my blabbering but I love it! Love it, Love it, Love it!!!!!!

ps. I just found this cape from the 20's on ebay. It's $5 plus shipping. It's so cool. That is all.