Friday, May 8, 2009

The Japanese panano man

Last semester sometime I went to a concert. On the back of the program was a couple of announcements for the concerts and stuff next semester. One of them was this guy. I bought my ticket almost as soon as I came home from break and last night was finally the concert. Oh my gosh! He was so good. It really makes me wish I actually practiced and worked on my piano playing. I got my program signed by him and it's going to make me a cool scrapbook page.  He is eight years older than me but he looks like he's the same age. We laughed about that. Le, one of  roommates, tried to get me to go ask him is he was single or not. I didn't. That would have been too embarrassing. Anyway, the concert was much fun. 
In other news  I think my left foot really hates me. I have two blisters one which magically got infected and the other that sits right where most of my shoes hit. So yeah, painful. I'm really fond of the pair or shoes that have me the first blister. I wore them on Tuesday and went to my social dance class in them. They have a cloth sole so spinning was really fun.  There's this guy in my social dance class that kind of freaks me out. Way too close for comfort and then I tripped over my feet. I don't really like people that close to me. Ok, that's a lie, I don't like people I don't know that close to me. I'm just fine with friends. Otherwise it's weird.
Why do all the girl spies in movies have really special clothes? I mean wearing a super tight polyester suit cannot be comfortable or realistic. Especially when those tight suits also have extreme amounts of cleavage and if  possible much midriff showing. And of course they can't go anywhere without stiletto boots. How on earth is anyone supposed to be able to kick bad guy's butts dressed like that? Even the modern ones look like they just walked out of the 60s!!! 
That's really disjointed. Can you tell I'm doing this while also watching a movie?


  1. What about Anne Hathaway in Get Smart. She has awesome clothes. I love her coats. I want them.

  2. I watched Get Smart for the first time last night. It cracked me up. Her clothes aren't completely ridiculous. Her coats rock!
