This is me blowing out my candles for my birthday. It was really good. The only slightly negative thing was the frosting mom used. It had so much sugar that I thought I was going to go into a sugar coma.
The review went great and Emery is an Eagle Scout!
My Grandma bought me this (1940's), a reproduction of an apron pattern (1940's) and a cookbook which is later.
On my birthday there was a yard sale at the Historic USO building that Rachael and I went to. I think it's hilarious that it's now called the Historic USO building and not just the USO building. It was basically a dud until we went inside and found books.
Roget's International Thesaurus (1947)
One of the places this book automatically opens up to is a chapter on the non-development of girls. Here's an excerpt:
"The immensity of the evils generally wrought upon girls by the schoolroom can hardly be exaggerated. At the time when Nature is placing the heaviest strain upon them, they are called upon to work to the full limit of their strength. Any excessive burden placed upon a girl's mind at the age of of puberty consumes forces that Nature demands for her physical development. Indeed, at this time there should be no more mental work than is needful to keep the mind in healthy working order. The sexes should never be permitted to work in the same classes at this time. It places girls at an unnatural disadvantage, and by introducing competition, spurs them on to exertion that they cannot afford to make. Nothing will be lost by proceeding slowly until the girl's menstruation has been firmly established, for when that occurs naturally, there ensues a remarkable mental activity that makes strides with a rapidity impossible to boys. "
I laugh every time I read it. Though the idea of taking it easy for a while does appeal to me.
Harbrace College Handbook (1956)
Pocket Bible Hand Book by Henry Hampton Halley (1936)
If anything can help me understand the OT I'm probably going to buy it especially if it's cheep and old.

The Fanny Farmer Cookbook (1965)
That ends my yard sale finds. I got all of those for 6 bucks. Score!
Emily Post's Etiquette The Blue Book of Social Usage. (1965)
I got this one at the library for a quarter. There is some good stuff in the Friends of the Library section right as you walk in.

Here's the cookbook I mentioned earlier. The one my grandma bought me.
I'm loving my finds!
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