It's amazing how I don't seem to be able to motivate myself to write on my blog when I don't have school work to procrastinate with.
A brief and entirely interesting review of my life. I got done with school and managed to pass everything, even the class that I missed the midterm in. That was a relief. And then I went home. I babysit twice a week for a total of about 20 hours for a couple in first ward so she can go to work. Those two are crazy! Two boys ages 3 and 1. They have been keeping me busy for those days. Other than that I've been hanging out. Rach and I will get together and do something most days. The other day we went to the thrift store and got a sweet suit for our cousin Emma to wear to my birthday party. It's actually a 70's suit but looks 40 enough and it fits her really well. During the past month I've been laying around, I've also watched 6 of the 7 Gilmore Girl's seasons. I've decided to get creative.
My grandpa bought be some quilt square from 1940 online because I told Rachael I liked them. Now my job is to sew it together. I've got the sashing; I've just got to do it.

This is the pattern that just arrived for me. I'm making Callie a dress for her birthday. It's part of the collection I mentioned. I actually bought this one. All the others have come from my grandmas. :) I'm a little nervous about making it because I've never sewed anything before. I figure it's for Callie and she'll think it's awesome and wear it no matter how bad I make it look.
Tomorrow's my 19th birthday and my party. It's 40's themed. Mom made me a skirt and was supposed to make a shirt too but I don't know if that's going to happen by tomorrow afternoon. We'll see. I'll post some pics and descriptions later. Like after it happens.
It posted it on the day I started. Oops. the 12th is my birthday.