Monday, September 21, 2009

A dream

Last night I had a really strange dream. It was actually mostly terrifying. So I'm typing it up and then turning it onto a website to analyze it. Not it specifically, but parts of it. This will be fun! You all can laugh at my craziness too.

a guy friend who will be referred to by a nickname- "db"
the slug - a radioactive green thing that oozes and has a freaky sideways mouth and kinda looks like a pug when you are running away from it.
a store attendant.

I'm looking through Joann's when I come across the section with tons of old clothes. It's a thrift store part and I figure it's for people who want to make clothes pretty. The entire store is a grey color and much darker than normal stores. All the clothes are browns or greys or blacks. Not the happiest of stores. That's when I come across Db. He is looking at the ground. I walk up to him to talk to him and see what he is looking at. I look down and see the slug. It looks relatively harmless (there's a lack of mouth showing at this point) it's just a funny green color. It's the sort of thing you torture for fun. I mean, it's neon green! It's like Alba the bunny only in nasty slug form. Anyway, so I begin making fun of it and kinda kicking it when the slug reacts and does this growly thing at me opening it's sideways mouth with sharp pointy teeth inside. I am definitely taken aback. Then the slug begins to ooze toward me. I start backing up and it gets faster. I turn around a sprint off. Db yells that it must have caught my scent. Looking back I see the slug galloping toward me. I scream and run faster. Finally, I lose the stupid creature and take a breather. Not a very long breather because soon it's catching up and looking as terrible and pug like as ever. I'm in a maze of clothing racks when I see one of those benches for sitting on to try on shoes. Thinking I could fool it by jumping on top of there I hop on up. Soon the slug is right below me. It stops and looks around even though it has no eyes. I guess It's sniffing around. I begin to think that I've beaten it when it catches my scent and starts to reach it's body towards me. I yelp and take off running through the maze again. Finally I reach a door that looks like it will provide safety for me. I'm standing about 3 feet in front of it when the slug is suddenly between me and the door. It pops and crackles a little and begins to grow until it's about 3 feet high and blocking the door. I scream and jump magically ending up in Db's arms. He just magically showed up. It was kinda a Scooby Doo and Shaggy sort of moment. Like so...

I stay in his arms because I'm hoping to get the slug to lose my scent. Db takes off running. As we turn the corner a store attendant opens the door behind the slug a little and tells us "If you can get it to shrink down we can capture it." There is no way I am letting Db turn back so he keeps running. Until he decides to get lost or go back or whatever and then we end up in front of the slug again. It was still there and still 3 feet tall and only looking slightly ferocious but Db still took off running to and we got straight out of the maze and I finally got to get down. We then looked around the store a little, me finding some truly embarrassing items and then we decided to leave.
The End.

Analysis from the website

A slug, similar to a snail without a shell, can represent:

  • Slowness, or slow to change
  • Steadiness, patience, perseverance
  • Changeable or malleable in form, thought, feeling, or otherwise
  • Leaving a residue, trail, evidence, or other aftermath
  • Sluggishness or perceived laziness
Dreaming of this creature can represent:
  • Having too much of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being less this way
  • Not having enough of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being more like this
  • Someone or something in your real life with whom you associate one of these qualities (an event, situation, threat, etc.)

For more clues, pay attention to what the animal was doing or any particular characteristic that stood out.

Something glowing eerily can represent a person or force with unknown intent.
Green- The color green can represent life or new life, nature, freshness, vigor, coolness, or a relaxing environment.
Being Chased- If the chaser wants to harm you, this can represent a feeling or fear of: persecution, hostility, aggression, criticism, etc. by another person or by "people in general." It can also represent real-life situation where you feel your boundaries have been crossed or your integrity has been compromised.A maze- A complex or challenging path or process, confusion, challenge, puzzle, or problem confronting you in your real life
Feeling unsure how to achieve a certain goal or create a certain situation in your life.
Gray- The color gray can represent neutrality, gloominess, drabness, dullness, or lifelessness
Being Rescued- Feeling that you need help or need to be rescued—physically, mentally or emotionally
The idea of letting others rescue you or clean up your messes too often
Consider who is rescuing whom, and the possible parallels with your feelings about your real life right now. ( I was rescued by a guy I like and have liked for a long time and it's all a hopeless mess. I'm sure that has something to do with something)

So... vigorous laziness with unknown intent wants to harm me in a complex challenge of neutrality? I like it. Laugh.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Today Ela had an assembly for getting student of the month at Richmond. Since Mom and Dad gave been gone since Sunday Rachael and I went. Neither of us have base passes yet and Rachael doesn't take her car on base so us getting on is a bit of a hassle. Because it is we went to the base thrift store. It rocks! All the patterns were 10¢ and I found some great ones. I took pictures of all my patterns for you all to see!

This is the pattern for the skirt that I wore for my birthday. It's a reprint of a 1940's one.

This is a reprint of a 1950's pattern. Mom made the middle one for me last year.

1950's pajama pattern
A gift pattern from my Grandma Clayson last year. 1955

1950 shirt dress

1951 house robe and swimsuit coverup. 


1950's Don't you think it would be funny to see Emery in those short shorts? Base thrift store. 

1949 Blouse. This was from the base thrift store. 10¢! Amazing. 

1941 Base thrift store. 


1960's girls dress Base thrift store
1964 little girl dress- Base Thrift store.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Case of the Disappearing Calories

A couple of days ago, I was looking in my job's cupboard for snacks or lunch or something like that when I saw popcorn. Popcorn with 93% less fat. Score! That makes me feel skinny. Out of curiosity I looked at the nutrient information. There I found this:
3 Tbsp unpopped
Calories 130
Calories from fat 20
1 Cup popped
Calories 15
Calories from fat 0

The Calories! They disappeared! Where did they go? Does popping make all the calories fall out? I texted Rachael. She said, "What? Really?" because what else are you going to say to that?
"Apparently." I said. cool. We made plans to check out other popcorn boxes for the magic. I also made sure to check how many servings there on in a bag. About 2! yes! that means once I pop it I only have 30 calories. That's the best news I've ever seen.

Then I started writing this post. I took a picture on my phone as evidence of the disappearing calories on my phone at the time and I was looking at it to transfer the info over. I glanced up at the serving size information to make sure they matched up. (now the point of view is my head) 3 Tbsp unpopped excellent. Hmmm wait. That 1 cup popped looks suspiciously like a 7. hmmm. Look, madly calculate (well not really), that would be about right. Well the bag did seem like more than 2 cups. Shoot! This  is going to ruin my post. It was going to be so cool! I had plans. My dinosaur chicken nugget post will make it up. I should check it for sure because it's blurry. ZOOOOOOOM. Blast. It is a 7. 

My life can be so disappointing. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Books! and some other stuff

This is me blowing out my candles for my birthday. It was really good. The only slightly negative thing was the frosting mom used. It had so much sugar that I thought I was going to go into a sugar coma. 
This is Emery, my brother, preparing to go to his board of review. This is after I fixed his hair.
He tried to trim up his hair around his ears and failed. I couldn't stop laughing which he didn't appreciate. We fixed it by shaving off the rest of his hair.

The review went great and Emery is an Eagle Scout! 

My Grandma bought me this (1940's), a reproduction of an apron pattern (1940's) and a cookbook which is later. 
On my birthday there was a yard sale at the Historic USO building that Rachael and I went to. I think it's hilarious that it's now called the Historic USO building and not just the USO building. It was basically a dud until we went inside and found books. 
Roget's International Thesaurus (1947)
Viavi Hygiene (1911)
One of the places this book automatically opens up to is a chapter on the non-development of girls. Here's an excerpt:
"The immensity of the evils generally wrought upon girls by the schoolroom can hardly be exaggerated. At the time when Nature is placing the heaviest strain upon them, they are called upon to work to the full limit of their strength. Any excessive burden placed upon a girl's mind at the age of of puberty consumes forces that Nature demands for her physical development. Indeed, at this time there should be no more mental work than is needful to keep the mind in healthy working order. The sexes should never be permitted to work in the same classes at this time. It places girls at an unnatural disadvantage, and by introducing competition, spurs them on to exertion that they  cannot afford to make. Nothing will be lost by proceeding slowly until the girl's menstruation has been firmly established, for when that occurs naturally, there ensues a remarkable mental activity that makes strides with a rapidity impossible to boys. "
I laugh every time I read it. Though the idea of taking it easy for a while does appeal to me.

Webster's Shorter School Dictionary (1925)

Harbrace College Handbook (1956)

English Literature by John Calvin Metcalf (1918)

Pocket Bible Hand Book by Henry Hampton Halley (1936)
If anything can help me understand the OT I'm probably going to buy it especially if it's cheep and old. 

The Fanny Farmer Cookbook (1965)
That ends my yard sale finds. I got all of those for 6 bucks. Score! 

Emily Post's Etiquette The Blue Book of Social Usage. (1965)
I got this one at the library for a quarter. There is some good stuff in the Friends of the Library section right as you walk in. 

Here's the cookbook I mentioned earlier. The one my grandma bought me. 
The Good Housekeeping Cook Book (1944)

I'm loving my finds!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

yeah, yeah

I'm working on a post I promise. It's actually kinda long and maybe worth reading. 

I have discovered a hobby of mine. I've started collecting vintage sewing patterns. It's been so fun so far! I don't have to many and the ones are do have are all from the 50's but I'm enjoying it anyhow. Since vintage is my new thing I've been reading a lot of blogs. Apparently, it's popular to do giveaways with blogs. You leave a comment and then if you want to be entered again post about it in your own blog. Since this is an opportunity to increase my collection for FREE! (That was said like free in Bedtime Stories) I'm definitely blogging about it now. And since I want it none of you should go enter unless you intend on giving it to me for my birthday. I'm shellfish and I mean it! jk :)

Anyway, here is the link. It's seriously cute don't you think? :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm BACK!!!

It's amazing how I don't seem to be able to motivate myself to write on my blog when I don't have school work to procrastinate with.
A brief and entirely interesting review of my life. I got done with school and managed to pass everything, even the class that I missed the midterm in. That was a relief. And then I went home. I babysit twice a week for a total of about 20 hours for a couple in first ward so she can go to work. Those two are crazy! Two boys ages 3 and 1. They have been keeping me busy for those days. Other than that I've been hanging out. Rach and I will get together and do something most days. The other day we went to the thrift store and got a sweet suit for our cousin Emma to wear to my birthday party. It's actually a 70's suit but looks 40 enough and it fits her really well. During the past month I've been laying around, I've also watched 6 of the 7 Gilmore Girl's seasons. I've decided to get creative.
My grandpa bought be some quilt square from 1940 online because I told Rachael I liked them. Now my job is to sew it together. I've got the sashing; I've just got to do it.

It's me cooking! That recipe came out of my mom's 1947 cookbook and it's called Welsh rarebit. I was too chicken to try it but Dad said it was pretty good

This is the pattern that just arrived for me. I'm making Callie a dress for her birthday. It's part of the collection I mentioned. I actually bought this one. All the others have come from my grandmas. :) I'm a little nervous about making it because I've never sewed anything before. I figure it's for Callie and she'll think it's awesome and wear it no matter how bad I make it look.

Tomorrow's my 19th birthday and my party. It's 40's themed. Mom made me a skirt and was supposed to make a shirt too but I don't know if that's going to happen by tomorrow afternoon. We'll see. I'll post some pics and descriptions later. Like after it happens.