a guy friend who will be referred to by a nickname- "db"
the slug - a radioactive green thing that oozes and has a freaky sideways mouth and kinda looks like a pug when you are running away from it.
a store attendant.
I'm looking through Joann's when I come across the section with tons of old clothes. It's a thrift store part and I figure it's for people who want to make clothes pretty. The entire store is a grey color and much darker than normal stores. All the clothes are browns or greys or blacks. Not the happiest of stores. That's when I come across Db. He is looking at the ground. I walk up to him to talk to him and see what he is looking at. I look down and see the slug. It looks relatively harmless (there's a lack of mouth showing at this point) it's just a funny green color. It's the sort of thing you torture for fun. I mean, it's neon green! It's like Alba the bunny only in nasty slug form. Anyway, so I begin making fun of it and kinda kicking it when the slug reacts and does this growly thing at me opening it's sideways mouth with sharp pointy teeth inside. I am definitely taken aback. Then the slug begins to ooze toward me. I start backing up and it gets faster. I turn around a sprint off. Db yells that it must have caught my scent. Looking back I see the slug galloping toward me. I scream and run faster. Finally, I lose the stupid creature and take a breather. Not a very long breather because soon it's catching up and looking as terrible and pug like as ever. I'm in a maze of clothing racks when I see one of those benches for sitting on to try on shoes. Thinking I could fool it by jumping on top of there I hop on up. Soon the slug is right below me. It stops and looks around even though it has no eyes. I guess It's sniffing around. I begin to think that I've beaten it when it catches my scent and starts to reach it's body towards me. I yelp and take off running through the maze again. Finally I reach a door that looks like it will provide safety for me. I'm standing about 3 feet in front of it when the slug is suddenly between me and the door. It pops and crackles a little and begins to grow until it's about 3 feet high and blocking the door. I scream and jump magically ending up in Db's arms. He just magically showed up. It was kinda a Scooby Doo and Shaggy sort of moment. Like so...
I stay in his arms because I'm hoping to get the slug to lose my scent. Db takes off running. As we turn the corner a store attendant opens the door behind the slug a little and tells us "If you can get it to shrink down we can capture it." There is no way I am letting Db turn back so he keeps running. Until he decides to get lost or go back or whatever and then we end up in front of the slug again. It was still there and still 3 feet tall and only looking slightly ferocious but Db still took off running to and we got straight out of the maze and I finally got to get down. We then looked around the store a little, me finding some truly embarrassing items and then we decided to leave.
The End.
Analysis from the website
Green- The color green can represent life or new life, nature, freshness, vigor, coolness, or a relaxing environment. Being Chased- If the chaser wants to harm you, this can represent a feeling or fear of: persecution, hostility, aggression, criticism, etc. by another person or by "people in general." It can also represent real-life situation where you feel your boundaries have been crossed or your integrity has been compromised.A maze- A complex or challenging path or process, confusion, challenge, puzzle, or problem confronting you in your real life Feeling unsure how to achieve a certain goal or create a certain situation in your life. Gray- The color gray can represent neutrality, gloominess, drabness, dullness, or lifelessness Being Rescued- Feeling that you need help or need to be rescued—physically, mentally or emotionally The idea of letting others rescue you or clean up your messes too often Consider who is rescuing whom, and the possible parallels with your feelings about your real life right now. ( I was rescued by a guy I like and have liked for a long time and it's all a hopeless mess. I'm sure that has something to do with something) So... vigorous laziness with unknown intent wants to harm me in a complex challenge of neutrality? I like it. Laugh. |