Monday, November 16, 2009
Give away!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Go me!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Stuff that I think I will die without
Oh Dress! How have I spent my life without you!
I'm now on a quest to figure out how to add sleeves to this beauty. I'm thinking they should be made out of the same stuff (yarn?) as the skirt. Thanks to one of my favorite blogs A Dress a Day
for introducing us.
My Wedding dress (No, I'm not engaged nor do I have a BF.)
I only need to loose about 10 inches off my waist. And get bone reducing surgery so I don't look anorexic being that skinny and so I am short enough to fit. With modern science they should be able to do that right?
I love those sleeves! For more views of this beauty go here
No one can have enough shoes and these ones are special. I'm liking the face that the heel looks broken. Sadly these Irregular Choice shoes are £ 69.50. I don't even have that many USD to buy new shoes.
Um... That's it for now. I have to go make dinner.
* I know the muppet dress didn't show up and I'm not clever enough to make it. I
tried. You'll just have to go to Dress a Day
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Here, have a post
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
A dream
Green- The color green can represent life or new life, nature, freshness, vigor, coolness, or a relaxing environment. Being Chased- If the chaser wants to harm you, this can represent a feeling or fear of: persecution, hostility, aggression, criticism, etc. by another person or by "people in general." It can also represent real-life situation where you feel your boundaries have been crossed or your integrity has been compromised.A maze- A complex or challenging path or process, confusion, challenge, puzzle, or problem confronting you in your real life Feeling unsure how to achieve a certain goal or create a certain situation in your life. Gray- The color gray can represent neutrality, gloominess, drabness, dullness, or lifelessness Being Rescued- Feeling that you need help or need to be rescued—physically, mentally or emotionally The idea of letting others rescue you or clean up your messes too often Consider who is rescuing whom, and the possible parallels with your feelings about your real life right now. ( I was rescued by a guy I like and have liked for a long time and it's all a hopeless mess. I'm sure that has something to do with something) So... vigorous laziness with unknown intent wants to harm me in a complex challenge of neutrality? I like it. Laugh. |
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Case of the Disappearing Calories
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Books! and some other stuff
Thursday, September 10, 2009
yeah, yeah
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I'm BACK!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009
So glad!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Pink eye
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Pet Peeves
- People who type their smiley faces the wrong way. They are supposed to look like this :) not (: .
- People who write comments on facebook that have nothing to do with the original post. For example: status- "[person] is taking a nap." comment under status- "How are you? It's been a long time. I hope you are good." That is what the wall is for.
- People who can't seem to type full words online. u r stupid! It takes 5 extra seconds to type you are stupid. You are not texting. Use real English.
- My computer thinking it's an airplane. That's annoying
- People breathing on me.
- People who smell bad. Use deodorant. It's fabulous
- People who always wear ugly ill-fitting clothes.
- People who think that nudity in art is automatically pornography and then try to talk me into believing the same thing.
- People who act like they know everything.
- People telling me that my shorts are too short, my undershirt is too see thru, etc when they are in no leadership position over me.
- People poking my back when my shirt rides up. Leave my exposed flesh alone! I'll take care of it in a minute.
- Censorship of things that do not need to be censored. Teenagers should not be forbidden to see movies or read books because they are sad.
- Teachers assigning me homework. They should stop. I would like that
- The freaking out about Cancer. Breathing can cause cancer so stop freaking out.
- People who think that anything but religious and classical music is evil. Especially hip-hop. Leave the genre alone.
- People who say "ta" instead of "to"
- Mothers who call me at 9 on a Saturday morning to say Happy 4th of July who then call back half an hour after I've hung up so my little sister can blabble at me. Just kidding. I love that blabbling little sister of mine even though she is like my shadow when I'm with her.
- People who spend all day whining about their problems.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
oh sigh
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A roller coaster week
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Repost of Foyle's War pics
Andrew with his dad.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Do not procrastinate the day of your...
Friday, June 12, 2009
New obsession
I've always had an obsession problem. I'll like something and be completely obsessed with it for a month or two maybe more and then be totally done with it. I'll do it with hott actors, movies, books, tv show, eras, etc. I have the ability to be amazing about it. I'll love it so much and convince myself I need all the merchandise, I change my computer screen, it's really bad. I did it last semester when I started learning a little Chinese. Now I'm trying to figure out if my new love is just one of these passing things or if it will stay.
Anyway, back to my topic. I've always been attracted to stuff from the 50's. The big, poofy skirts that go "wee!" when you spin, the hair, it's all so cool. So, I started watching Foyle's War, now I'm developed a fascination with Sam, the main female character. I love her hair. I wish I could do it to mine. It's short now, but it was long once. We had borrowed the series from Aunt Jane or Grandma or someone and I wished my hair could do her curly thing. Now, I've developed taste for not only that but all the clothes too. Oh, and most importantly red lipstick. They era manages to make everything so glamourous! Even rationing and smoking (no I am not going to take up smoking in case anyone was worried). I'm now on the lookout for patterns of 30-40's dresses. If anyone is sitting around saying to themselves, "My life is so unfulfilled. How can I changed that?" Break for thought. "I know! I'll buy Christy a present!" You now know what I want. I also want all the seasons of Foyle's war but, sadly, I am too poor and most people don't love me enough to spend $40 and up for me. Now for pics!
She spends most of the time in her hat and looks like this
These are the main characters on VE day. From left to right: Samantha Stewart, Christopher Foyle, and Paul Milner
And then because I love him so much
This is Sam's love interest for a large portion- Andrew Foyle, her boss's son. oh, and he's with his dad. The dad is the old guy.
I think this is from the episode they first meet. I wish more guys had cool hair like Andrew. Hair today is way too lame. And if you are somewhere other than BYU-Idaho it's way too long. And guys don't wear suits enough. I would do fairly well living in a time period where you had to dress up all the time like in Hairspray. They guys are so snazzy.
I couldn't find the back of Sam's head in picture form so here's a youtube video link. She has her hat off a few seconds in, about 4-6 is all you need. It does change she adds more curl to it later but still. Why can't my hair do that? I need to develop skills.
That's probably enough of my blabbering but I love it! Love it, Love it, Love it!!!!!!
ps. I just found this cape from the 20's on ebay. It's $5 plus shipping. It's so cool. That is all.