Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thinking back

You know what I did on 9/11/01? I went to school. My 1st period teacher kept saying things like she didn't know if we were going to be staying in school all day. I was confused. I could not figure out what was going on. I got sent home from school. I learned what happened when I went home, but it didn't really mean anything to me. I think I went to pizza hut. I mocked my siblings the next day as they went to school and I didn't. I desperately hoped that while I was out of school Mom would not have the baby because a) that would basically ruin my birthday and b) I would be stuck in the hospital. As I have gotten older it has meant more, but at the time I was just glad I didn't have to go to school.

1 comment:

  1. It was during Homecoming Week my freshman year of high school. When I got to 1st period my male teacher had tears in his eyes and was watching the footage on TV.

    I was supposed to be wearing a diaper on my head for homecoming week, but I got out of it.
