Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Testament

Another semester, another class.

1. Using the following references, fill in the chart below by writing in the second column a brief description of each miracle the Lord performed, then in the third column list those who exercised faith for the miracle to occur.

2. Explain in writing how it affects your faith to know that God has this kind of power.


Miracles of the Lord

Who Demonstrated Faith

Matthew 8:1-4

cured a man’s leperosy

the leper

Matthew 8:5-13

cured servant of palsy


Matthew 8:14-15

cured Peter’s mother in law of fever

Peter’s mother in law

Matthew 8:16

cast out devils

many who were possessed

​​Matthew 8:23-27

calmed the sea


Matthew 8:28-34

cast out devils into swine

the two men with devils

Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34

cured issue of blood

woman with the issue of blood

Matthew 9:27-31

cured blindness

two blind men

Mark 2:1-12

forgave sins and made the man able to walk

man with palsy

Knowing that God has the power to do all these things is amazing, so is knowing that worth men of the priesthood can use that same power tells me that I am loved. Christ isn’t walking around performing miracles like He did during is mortal ministry, but He is still able to perform miracles through people. My grandmother was able to be healed when she was close to death from cancer through the power of the priesthood. I am so grateful that God can heal and does heal. I am also thankful for His power to forgive my sins. That is a greater gift, a gift of eternal healing.