Monday, November 16, 2009

Give away!

There's an awesome give away over at Design Dazzle. Cute clothes! I know a Hopey who might need them! :) anyway go check it out. It's awesome.

And I haven't been updating. I'm failing. sad.

Monday, November 9, 2009


I can never figure out how to spell that. Yesterday, I was going to post but then I ended up so crabby that I didn't. The other day my cousin and I did something that we thought would be funny and it was apparently offensive. Who knew that a picture could be so awful? Crabby crabby crabby.

Anyway, I'm better now. Mostly. I'm at work with one very sick little boy. Ben's been trying to give up his morning nap (not very well) but fell asleep at 8:30 today while running a 101.9 fever. He's been a cuddly grump puss. Since all Ben has been wanting to do is cuddle I don't know what to do with Sam. Today might end up being more of a movie day than I would like. We'll see.
In other news, I'm going to learn to pack like Merlin. Sam and I are watching The Sword and the Stone while Ben's asleep. It's just quieter that way. I love The Sword and the Stone. Basically, it's one of my top high number favorites. Getting me and all my stuff up to Rexburg in 7 weeks would be so much easier. I'm going to try. I'll start practicing right away. While I'm working on packing I think I'll also work on my Mary Poppins cleaning. I've tried that before though and it has never worked. I'm hoping that Merlin's packing is more productive for me.
Next week is going to be crazy for me. Carin, Mom and I doing a wedding on Saturday. New Moon is early Friday and I'm working Thursday and Friday! Mom needs me to help her bake on Friday because I'm actually the one getting paid for catering this reception. I'm going to be chugging Mt. Dew and sleeping at weird hours. I was thinking about going to Ronelle's party before New Moon but I might be asleep then. If I come home from work around 5, get to sleep around 6, wake up at 11 get over to the theater, watch the movie, perhaps go out for snacks with friends after, then back to bed- 3 or 4? Then up at 6 so I can get to work. I'm going to ask if the boys can come over to my house for the day (then I can sleep until 6:30! haha) so I can actually help Mom. Then wedding set up and everything is Saturday. Yikes! Hopefully, everything goes well.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Go me!

Except for the whole starting on the wrong day and the skipping one day I think I've done pretty good on this. 5/7 is pretty good! 

um... What to say, what to say... Tomorrow is the primary program. And after church I'm going to take pictures of Emery in all the thrifted things Rachael and I have boughten him. I was going to think about watching a movie but I think I'll go to bed instead. I want to do my hair and look cute tomorrow just because I haven't in a while. I try to sleep to long to get anything done Sunday morning. If I go to sleep now I can get my 9 hours in and still wake up at 6ish. ew. too early. Maybe I'll shoot for later. We will see. 

Until tomorrow!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Stuff that I think I will die without

No, that is not an exaggeration. All I speak is truth. Especially all of them. 

*Most of these were found through blogs that I read. 
For the kid/public bathroom in my future home
For one of my Young Woman Value Projects I started this cross stitch.  Started because I never did finish it. I underestimated how long it takes to cross stitch. I was supposed to be making something for my future home so I decided to have a beach themed bathroom. Now I can complete the dream in the most amazing way I ever thought was possible with...

an Aquarium sink...

...and an aquarium toilet!

Yes they exist. The toilet if from a company called fish and flush and the sink... I haven't quite figured it out. Google them. They amuse me.
Next up on the list of things I need:
A rockin' muppet dress!


Oh Dress! How have I spent my life without you!

I'm now on a quest to figure out how to add sleeves to this beauty. I'm thinking they should be made out of the same stuff (yarn?) as the skirt. Thanks to one of my favorite blogs A Dress a Day

for introducing us.

My Wedding dress (No, I'm not engaged nor do I have a BF.)


I only need to loose about 10 inches off my waist. And get bone reducing surgery so I don't look anorexic being that skinny and so I am short enough to fit. With modern science they should be able to do that right? 

I love those sleeves! For more views of this beauty go here



No one can have enough shoes and these ones are special. I'm liking the face that the heel looks broken. Sadly these Irregular Choice shoes are £ 69.50. I don't even have that many USD to buy new shoes. 

Um... That's it for now. I have to go make dinner.

* I know the muppet dress didn't show up and I'm not clever enough to make it. I  

tried. You'll just have to go to Dress a Day

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I failed! I even remembered I needed to post last night but then promptly forgot. Not surprising. I'm going to try for the rest of the month though.

Yesterday Rachael and I went to the thrift store (we do often) and it was $5 a bag day. Stuff all the clothes you can into a grocery sack and pay 5 bucks for it. My brother Emery also conveniently lets us pick out his clothes. If we buy it he will wear it. And since it was $5 a bag day Rachael was looking for some stuff for her brother. So we're hanging out in the men's section looking at pants when Rachael spy's a tux. We look at it. 34 x 36. Emery's waist! The length might be a little long but hemming! We poke around it more. hmmm needs a cleaning and we see no badness. It's basically perfect! We stuff it in a bag along with a dress for me and 3 other button down shirts for Emery. We took the tux come and waited impatiently for him to arrive. After making him try on the shirts we hand him the tux. He puts it on and it fits! Almost perfectly. The pants are a little short and so are the sleeves. After some inspecting we find that it has been hemmed like no other. 3 or 4 inches in the legs! It can be fixed! So for $1, Emery, who is turning 17 next Wednesday, owns his own tux. Thrift stores have the potential to be rockin'! My dress and his shirts are pretty to. I think I'll take pics of him in all the shirts we have picked up at the thrift store. We have skillz. It also helps that Ridgecrest has no other clothes shopping places and we're dirt poor so we're always at the thrift store but... :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Here, have a post

It sure won't say much though. I'm tired. I'm on my grandparent's computer but I've commited to this thing and now I have to do it. sigh. Rachael came over today and we made hair things. We're having a sleep over so I'm not tempted to strangle my grandmother S. who's been staying with us for a week or two or however long it's been. i've been busy and always rushing off to things it seems that I havn't been home to see what it's like. I did today. i couldn't handle it. I was supposed to go babysitting but another boy had to stay home because he had a 103 fever. I don't want that. So... The End.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I decided to do NaBloPoMo and was totally confused why people were posting that this was the second day. I mean it's the first day I've heard about it and it's the beginning of November so what are those people talking about? Then I realized it's Nov 2 today. Doh! I'm doing it anyway. 

I had a very witty and thoughtful post planned in my head about my dependence on Mt. Dew that I was going to write up tonight. Then Family Home Evening happened. FHE at the Clayson household is always a special affair. When I was younger I don't remember us having FHE at all (having a faulty memory does help this). Since Dad's a nurse he schedule was always weird so he would often work Mondays. Shifts were from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm plus time added before and after for reporting and then if needed time to chart after. The earliest Dad ever got home was 8 and he was normally home closer to 8:30. 8 is bed time. It's weird how different things are with Dad working on the base. We have dinner much earlier for one. Back to topic. We're having FHE and we've gotten to the game. Callie made up the game and since she's 8 it was very... fun. She drew pictures of ghosts (that looked mostly like globby people) and we had to guess who they were. When it was the Emery ghost up Dad decided we needed to dog pile on who ever the picture was. Dad is a fan of dog piling. Normally I am. It's fun. Keeps life interesting. I, however, did not have a great day (the need for Mt Dew by 9 in the morning normally means that) so I did not participate. Family is also a big fan of giving hugs when I don't want to be touched. Apparently, I don't like any of them or something. I was not participating and kind of dreading when it was going to be my turn. Will had already made comments to the effect of "just wait until I jump upon you" and I informed him if he did I was going to lengthen piano lessons, which are torture in and of itself for him. The ghost picture was me. Emery tried to pull me off the couch and on to the floor so they could dog pile me. I tried my hardest to threaten him and sit down. Dad was conveniently behind the couch and decided to give me a wedgie. First off, it was the most painful wedgie I have ever experienced. It hurt. When I started whining about how it hurt they all stopped harassing me. A couple minutes later I learned that Dad ripped my underwear in the process of giving me this wedgie. Now I have a huge hole in my underwear (about the size of the waistband). I'm crabby. 
Where's my Mountain Dew?