Hello this is Christy, rocking the world of Snoresville! Thanks for joining me here! You too can be put to sleep with stuff that you learned in high school for a small fee of $793 for three and a half months of use. What a deal! Sign up now!
I cut my hair all gone on Tuesday. We had a four day weekend for Memorial Day, which rocked, so I decided to get it done. I ended up getting the haircut free because Anne let me use her nifty card that gets you free stuff. Unfortunately, I'm a sucker so I bought shampoo and conditioner. Now I have enough shampoo and conditioner to last me awhile because you don't need a whole lot when you don't have much hair. For those of you who know Becky Trimble it's essentially the same hair cut as the one she has in the picture of her and Gary on their living room wall. My hair has just enough curl to make it do stupid things so I still have to straighten. Now it's basically necessary because my hair looks very odd without it.
I got a 94 on my swing test today. Yeah, I rock. No one really wanted to test with me which is not totally flattering. Actually, it's not flattering at all. I had to ask a guy who was already supposed to dance with someone else. She was going to dance with him, but not test with him because she was convinced he didn't lead well enough for her. He was just fine. gosh, girls are too silly. I can say that objectively because I am an alien from outer space (not Mexico) with no gender. Yes, it's true! If you try to run away from me in fear I will shoot you with my laser gun that I hide in my human looking foot. Yep, it's a suit and the feet have hinges so they can open. It's such a nice place to put my stuff.
Yesterday, I lost a textbook that I needed to do my homework. I spent at least an hour looking for the thing. My room was clean for clean check but I had to tear it apart so I could find this thing. I tried to think of where I saw it last, but I was suddenly imagining it everywhere. hmmm I think I remember seeing it in my food cupboard, or my bathroom drawer... I don't think I have ever put it in my bathroom drawer, but I did put something weird in there one day. I can't remember. I tore my room apart and was beginning to freak out when I decided to pray. I had done everything I could. After, when I was really freaking out because it was about midnight and I still had this homework to do, Le and Khanh helped me. Well, Le helped; Khanh followed us around because she was eating her dinner. She was trying to think of places to look that I hadn't already. Le climbed up on my bed to look at the shelf with all my books on it and looked down at my bed. There it was, sitting there mocking me for not being able to find it. I'm convinced it's a miracle because my bed was clean (mostly, there was a pile of skirts at the other end) before I started this adventure. The only way it could have gotten there was if I put it there when I picked up a pile of notebooks. It wasn't there I looked. I'm am so grateful for Le and her willingness to help me when no one else would and for my Heavenly Father for helping us find it.
The park down the street and around the corner has a carousel and a two sets of slide play sets. One of those play sets on one end has a button that you can push and it become a water park! I think I will go this weekend. It's so much fun.